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Patch 9.8 notes

Patch 9.8 notes Champions Amumu Passive damage increased. Q cooldown decreased. Amumu now follows enemies hit by Q if they move while he's mid-flight. The sad boi has some room for buffs so we're helping him. While these buffs won't feel too different between skill levels, we expect them to be felt a bit more in higher ranked games. Passive - Cursed Touch BONUS TRUE DAMAGE - Cursed targets take an additional 10% ⇒ 13% of pre-mitigation magic damage as true damage Q - Bandage Toss COOLDOWN - 16/14/12/10/8 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds DON'T LEAVE ME - Amumu now follows his target for up to a reasonable distance from where he cast Bandage Toss, in case targets get out of the stun before he arrives Camille Base attack speed increased. Camille's attack speed nerf at the end of last year slowed her camp clear in the jungle, but also left her weaker in lane. We're buffing it back up since we don't expect it to make he

Patch 9.7 notes

Patch 9.7 notes 4/9/2019 Bugfix Braum BUGFIX - Fixed a bug where Braum's E - Unbreakable did not reduce damage from certain multi-hit abilities. 4/5/2019 Bugfix Vi BUGFIX - Fixed a bug where after casting E - Excessive Force on a target who is moving away from her, Vi would be locked into walking towards them for ~.25 - .5 seconds. 4/4/2019 ARAM Balance Changes Below is the cumulative list of ARAM balance adjustments, both the original changes and some adjustments that went live today.  Let's start with the buffs ~ AATROX - +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken AKALI - +18% damage dealt & -8% damage taken BARD - +8% damage dealt & -10% damage taken CAMILLE - +8% damage dealt & -8% damage taken EVELYNN - +15% damage dealt & -10% damage taken FIORA - +8% damage dealt & -8% damage taken HECARIM - -10% damage taken IRELIA - +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken KAI’SA - +15% damage dealt KASSAD